Desensitization of TRPV1-mediated currents by CAP and PEA. (A, B) Representative whole-cell current traces evoked in the same TRPV1-expressing CHO cell upon 30 s exposure to 1 μM CAP (A) or to 10 μM PEA (B), followed by drug washout; currents were recorded using a voltage ramp protocol (from −80 to +80 mV; 1.6 mV/ms). Plotted traces are: control (no agonist), peak of agonist-evoked currents, plateau of agonist-evoked currents (after 30 s of agonists exposure) and washout, as indicated. (C) Representative whole-cell inward currents evoked in TRPV1-expressing CHO cells held at −60 mV during 30 s exposures to 1 μM CAP or to 10 μM PEA, as indicated. The percentage of the current desensitized during exposure to each agonist is indicated. The bars on the top of each trace correspond to the duration of agonist exposure.