Relation of CS-elicited γ and specificity of behavioral auditory memory. EEG records and correlations. (A) An example of the EEG during a training trial for a subject in group MP. (1) full EEG, (2) EEG filtered to show γ activity. Note the increase in γ activity during presentation of the CS tone (long thick horizontal bar) preceding the NBs near the end of the tone (short bar). (B) Scattergram of the amount of change in γ during training [across 200 paired training trials (Day 3 for each group, see Fig. 3)] for each subject in groups MP and WP vs. the specificity of behavioral response 24 h after the termination of training. The best-fit regression for group MP is quadratic, with a correlation coefficient of 0.95, which is statistically significant (p < .02). The relationship for group WP is slightly in the opposite direction, i.e., more γ is related to less specific memory, but the best-fit regression (linear) was not significant.