Fig. 6.
Superoxide scavenging by SOD1 formulations in (a) TBMEC monolayers and (b) CATH.a neurons. Cells were treated for 2 h with native SOD1 or its formulations diluted in complete culture medium, washed and then incubated in fresh medium for different times. nS (native enzyme), S1 (non-cross-linked BIC), S2p and S3p (DTSSP- and BS3-cross-linked-purified cl-nanozymes). O2· − levels are expressed as % relative to untreated cells. *P<0.05: decreases in O2· − levels are statistically significant in cells treated with S2p and S3p (a) and S2p (b) compared with those treated with nS and S1 (ns – not significant).