Figure 6.
Cbp2Hb–CRISPR DNA repeat interactions. (A) Isothermal titration calorimetry of the N- and C-terminal domains of Cbp2Hb C7S/C28S with the 12 bp DNA ‘downstream’ conserved CRISPR repeat region of H. butylicus 5′-TTTGAGTTGTTC-3′/5′-GAACAACTCAAA (Figure 3B). A 370 ml syringe stirring at 300 rpm was used to titrate Cbp2 domains into a cell containing 1.4 ml DNA solution at 25°C. Each titration consisted of a preliminary 15 µl injection of the Cbp2 domain into the DNA solution followed by up to 20 subsequent 15 µl injections. Estimated Kd values are given for each domain. (B) 1H,15N-HSQCs of Cbp2Hb and the separate N- and C-domains bound to the 12 bp conserved region of CRISPR-1rHb DNA. 1H,15N-HSQCs of full sized Cbp2Hb (left), the N-domain fragment (middle) and the C-domain fragment (right) overlaid with the 1H,15N-HSQCs of the same constructs bound to the CRISPR-1rHb DNA. Free form spectra are shown in black and the bound form spectra are shown in red.