Increased susceptibility to light-induced retinal damage as a result of Beclin1 deficiency. Beclin1+/− mice and Beclin1+/+ littermate controls at 6 weeks of age were exposed to white light at 5,000 lux for 2 h. A, the ONL thickness was measured by SD-OCT and plotted (*, p < 0.01). Light-induced photoreceptor degeneration was prominent in the superior retina in Beclin1+/− mice compared with intact retinal morphology displayed by Beclin1+/+ mice. ONH, optic nerve head. B, plastic sections were prepared from eye cups collected from light-exposed Beclin1+/− mice and Beclin1+/+ littermate controls, which was followed by histological examination after toluidine blue staining. Severely disrupted photoreceptor structure was marked by degenerated photoreceptor outer segment and inner segment and significantly reduced thickness of ONL in Beclin1+/− eyes compared with the intact photoreceptor structure displayed by Beclin1+/+ eyes. Bars indicate 20 μm. IS, inner segment. OS, outer segment. C, EM was carried out to examine the RPE structure in Beclin1+/− mice and Beclin1+/+ littermate control 24 h and 10 days after light exposure, respectively. a, EM images from the RPE of Beclin1+/+ mice 24 h after light exposure show normal looking nucleus. B, EM images from the RPE of Beclin1+/− mice 24 h after light exposure show changes in nucleus including chromatin condensation and vacuolation. c, shown are EM images from the RPE of Beclin1+/+ mice 10 days after light exposure. d–f, EM images from the RPE of Beclin1+/− mice 10 days after light exposure reveal chromatin condensation and accumulation of large amounts of damaged mitochondria and dilated EM causing cytoplasmic vacuolation. Arrows in d, RPE hyperplasia indicated by presence of multiple nuclei; arrow in e, nucleus showing chromatin condensation; Arrows in f, damaged mitochondria.