Livers from either HDAd-AFP injected (A,B,D,E) or HDAd-TFEB injected (C,F,G) mice were prepared for immuno-EM of ATZ as described in Materials and Methods Section. Scale bars: 1.8 µm (A), 520 nm (B), 320 nm (C), 125 nm (F), 110 nm (D,E,G).
A. Region of the hepatocyte cytoplasm exhibits large membrane bound inclusion (asterisk) similar to that shown in
Fig 6B.
B. Higher magnification from the region outlined by dash box in A reveals dense gold ATZ labelling over inclusion body (asterisk).
C. Arrows indicate diffuse ATZ signal along the RER membranes of hepatocyte in HDAd-TFEB-treated mice.
D,E. Lysosomes (arrows) and their intraluminal vesicles (arrowheads) show little or no ATZ in control saline-injected animals.
F,G. Liver cells from HDAd-TFEB injected mice exhibit ATZ-corresponding gold particles within the lysosome-like structures (arrows) where ATZ signal is frequently associated with intraluminal vesicles (arrowheads).