Table 4.
Associations of selected environmental and clinical findings of adult HIV patients with prevalence of intestinal parasite by ART status using binary and multiple logistic regression in Dessie Hospital ART clinic, Feb-March.2012 (N = 272)
Intestinal parasite prevalence | ||||||||
Pre-ART |
On--ART |
Total |
n = 136 |
n = 136 |
N = 272 |
Positive |
Negative |
Positive |
Negative |
Positive |
negative |
COR (95% CI) |
AOR (95% CI) |
n (%) | n (%) | n (%) | n (%) | n (%) | n (%) | |||
Presence of toilet |
Yes |
49(37.7) |
81(62.3) |
19(15) |
110(85) |
68(26) |
191(74) |
1* |
1* |
No |
4(66.7) |
2(33.7) |
5(71.4) |
2(28.6) |
9(69.2) |
4(30.8) |
6.3(1.9,21.2)** |
7.6(1.3,44.2)** |
Source of water |
Tape water |
45(35.2) |
83(64.8) |
18(14) |
109(86) |
63(25) |
192(75) |
1* |
1* |
River/unprotected |
8(100) |
0(0) |
6(66.7) |
3(33.3) |
14(82.4) |
3(17.6) |
14.2(3.9651.1)** |
6.03(1.2, 31.9)** |
Waste disposal |
Indiscriminate |
26(74.3) |
9(25.7) |
18(46.2) |
21(53.8) |
44(59.5) |
30(40.5)1 |
7.3(4.0-13.3)** |
Collected |
27(26.7) |
74(73.3) |
6(6.2) |
91(93.8) |
33(17) |
65(83) |
1* |
Presence of animal |
Yes |
10(45.5) |
12(54.5) |
7(35) |
13(65) |
17(40.5) |
25(59.5) |
1.93(.97-3.81) |
No |
43(37.7) |
71(62.2) |
17(14.5) |
99(85.3) |
60(26) |
170(74) |
1* |
Contact with animal feaces |
Yes |
5(50) |
5(50) |
4(66.7) |
2(33.3) |
9(56.2) |
7(43.8) |
3.56(1.3-9.9)** |
No |
48(38.1) |
78(61.9) |
20(15) |
110(85) |
68(27) |
188(73) |
1* |
Living condition |
Poor |
26(78.8) |
7(21.2) |
18(47.4) |
20(52.6) |
44(62) |
27(38) |
8.3(4.5,15.2)** |
13.3(5.14,34.4)** |
Good |
27(26.2) |
76(73.8) |
6(6.1) |
92(93.9) |
33(16) |
168(84) |
1* |
1* |
CD4 categorized |
<200cell/mm3 |
18(62.1) |
11(37.9) |
9(52.9) |
8(47.1) |
27(58.7) |
19(41.3) |
4.15(1.98-8.72)** |
200-500cell/mm3 |
18(32.1) |
38(67.9) |
7(9.7) |
65(90.3) |
25(20) |
103(80) |
.71(.38-1.33) |
>500cell/mm3 |
17(33.3) |
34(66.7) |
8(17) |
39(83) |
25(25.5) |
73(74.5) |
1* |
WHO stage |
Stage I |
24(30) |
56(70) |
5(6.7) |
70(93.3) |
29(19) |
126(81) |
1* |
1* |
Stage II |
13(41.9) |
18(58.1) |
3(7.7) |
36(92.3) |
16(22.9) |
54(77.1) |
1.29(.67-2.56) |
1.31(.56, 3.06) |
Stage III |
15(62.5) |
9(37.5) |
14(70) |
6(30) |
29(65.9) |
15(34.1) |
8.4(3.99-17.65)** |
6.1(2.49,14.74)** |
Stage IV |
1(100) |
0(0) |
2(100) |
0(0) |
3(100) |
0(0) |
Nd |
Nd |
ART status |
Pre-ART |
53(39) |
83(61) |
53(39) |
83(61) |
77(28) |
195(72) |
2.98(1.7,5.2)** |
7.55(3.24,17.6)** |
On-ART | 24(17.6) | 112(82.4) | 24(17.6) | 112(82.4) | 1* |
*Reference category, ** significant association.