Table 2.
Characteristics of included studies (n=35)
First author |
Design |
Methods |
Monocenter/multicenter |
Professionals |
Patients |
Guideline (year of publication) |
Quality |
(Year) | |||||||
Country | |||||||
Prehospital |
Caulfield |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Prehospital record review |
Monocenter: 1 EMS |
HEMS paramedics |
100 patients with traumatic brain injury |
Brain Trauma Foundation Guideline for prehospital management of patients with traumatic brain injury (2007) |
9.5 |
(2009) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Cooke |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Patient report forms |
Multicenter: 19 EMSs |
Paramedics |
69 patients with suspected meningococcal septicemia |
Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee Clinical Guidelines for the administration of benzyl penicillin for suspected diagnosis of meningococcal septicemia (2003) |
7 |
(2005) | |||||||
UK | |||||||
Franschman 2009 The Netherlands |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 EMS |
Ambulance nurses EMS physicians |
127 patients with traumatic brain injury |
Brain Trauma Foundation Guideline for prehospital management of patients with traumatic brain injury (2007) |
9 |
Dutch Ambulance Care National Protocol (2007) |
| |||||||
Hale |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Prehospital record review |
Monocenter: 1 EMS |
Not specified |
1022 patients who received O2 |
Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee Clinical Guidelines for the administration of oxygen (2007) |
8.5 |
(2008) | |||||||
UK | |||||||
Jeremie |
Prospective, descriptive |
Prehospital record review |
Multicenter: 3 EMSs |
Anesthesiologists Emergency physicians |
143 patients who were sedated and intubated |
SFAR Recommendations for sedation: analgesia in out-of-emergency medicine (2000) |
10 |
(2005) | |||||||
France | |||||||
Kirves |
Retrospective, cohort |
Prehospital record review |
Multicenter: >75 EMSs |
Paramedics EMS physicians |
157 patients with cardiac arrest |
The Subdivision of Emergency Medicine of Finnish Society of Anaesthesiologists, Finnish Resuscitation Council and Red Cross of Finland. Resuscitation guidelines (2002) |
9 |
(2007) | |||||||
Finland | |||||||
Scliopou |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Database review |
Multicenter: 35 EMSs |
Paramedics |
70 patients with cardiac arrest |
American Heart Association Advanced cardiac Life Support Guidelines (2000) |
10 |
(2005) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Thomas |
Prospective, descriptive |
Data collection chart |
Monocenter: 1 EMS |
HEMS nurses HEMS paramedics |
37 patients with traumatic brain injury |
Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines for the Management of Severe Head Injury (1995) |
10 |
(2002) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Wik (2005) Norway/Sweden/UK |
Prospective, case series |
Data cards |
Multicenter: 3 EMSs |
Nurse anesthesists Paramedics |
176 patients with cardiac arrest |
Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: International Consensus on Science (2000) |
10 |
International guidelines for CPR and ECCL: a consensus on science (2000) |
Prehospital & Emergency Department | |||||||
Charpentier |
Prospective, cohort |
Case report form |
Multicenter: 1 UH, 8 EMSs, 26 MICUs, 37 EDs, 22 CICUs |
Emergency physicians |
1277 patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction |
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction (1999) |
10 |
(2009) | |||||||
France | |||||||
Emergency Department |
Atreja |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Chart review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Emergency physicians |
94 patients with an elevated international normalized ratio (INR) |
American College of Chest Physicians recommendations for antithrombotic therapy for prevention and treatment of thrombosis (2001) |
10 |
(2005) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Clark |
Retrospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Multicenter: 21 EDs |
Not specified |
678 patients with allergic reaction to food |
American academy of allergy, asthma, & immunology guideline for the management of food allergy (2003) |
10 |
(2004) | |||||||
USA & Canada | |||||||
Cydulka (2003) USA/Canada |
Prospective, cohort |
Medical record review Telephone interviews |
Multicenter: 29 EDs |
Not specified |
397 patients with exacerbation COPD |
American thoracic society standards for the diagnosis and care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma (1987) |
10 |
British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary |
| |||||||
De Miguel-Yanes |
Retrospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Not specified |
53 patients with suspected sepsis |
Surviving sepsis campaign guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock (2004) |
9.5 |
(2006) | |||||||
Spain | |||||||
Doherty |
Retrospective, pre-test post-test |
Database review |
Multicenter: 2 EDs |
Not specified |
215 patients with asthma |
NSW Department of Health guideline for the optimal treatment of chronic respiratory diseases (2003) |
10 |
(2007) | |||||||
Australia | |||||||
Elkharrat |
Prospective, pre-test post test |
Data collection chart |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Not specified |
389 patients with open wounds |
World Health Organisation guideline for antitetanus prophylaxis (1992) |
10 |
(1999) | |||||||
France | |||||||
Ferguson |
Retrospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Pediatric emergency physicians |
167 children with fever |
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research guideline for the management of infants and children 0 to 36 months of age with fever without source (1993) |
9.5 |
(2012) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Grant |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Not specified |
473 patients with acute pain |
British Association of Accident and Emergency Medicine guideline for the management of pain in adults (2005) |
10 |
(2006) | |||||||
UK | |||||||
Jain (2002) USA |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Pediatric residents |
229 children with fever |
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research guideline for the management of infants and children 0 to 36 months of age with fever without source (1993) |
9.5 |
Fellows |
Nurse practitioners |
Kelly |
Prospective, descriptive |
Data collection chart |
Multicenter: 38 EDs |
Not specified |
1340 patients with acute asthma |
National Asthma Campaign asthma management guideline (1998) |
9.5 |
(2013) | |||||||
Australia | |||||||
Lee (2001) Taiwan |
Retrospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Multicenter: 6 EDs |
Emergency physicians |
120 patients with acute asthma |
1. British Thotacic Society guidelines I & II for the management of asthma in adults (1990&1993) |
9 |
2. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute guideline for the diagnosis and management of asthma (1991 & 1994 & 1997) |
3. Asthma management guidelines and therapeutic Issues relating to the treatment of asthma. Chest (1999) |
Mansbach (2007) USA |
Prospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Multicenter: 17 EDs |
Not specified |
624 children with bronchiolitis |
American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases and Committee of Fetus and Newborn guidelines for prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections: indications for the use of palivizumab and update on the use of RSV-IGIV (1998) |
9 |
Interviews |
| |||||||
Milks |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Not specified |
181 patients with asthma |
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute guideline for the diagnosis and management of asthma (1991) |
8 |
(1999) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Muayqil |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Emergency physicians |
45 patients with convulsive status epilepticus |
Epilepsy Foundation of America guidelines for the management convulsive status epilepticus (1993) |
10 |
(2007) | |||||||
Canada | |||||||
Musacchio |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Not specified |
163 patients with urinary tract infections, urinary symptoms or sexually transmitted disease |
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: guideline for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (2006) |
9 |
(2009) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Pham (2007) USA |
Cross sectional, descriptive |
Database review |
Multicenter: 544 EDs |
Not specified |
1492 patients with acute myocardial infarction |
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Specification manual for national hospital quality measures for acute myocardial infarction and asthma (2007) |
10 |
3955 patients with pneumonia |
| |||||||
Reid (2000) Canada |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Multicenter: 3 EDs |
Emergency physicians |
130 patients with asthma |
National guideline for the emergency management of asthma in adults (1996) |
10 |
Emergency nurses |
| |||||||
Roy (2006) France & Belgium |
Prospective, cohort |
Data collection chart |
Multicenter: 117 EDs |
Emergency physicians |
1529 patients with suspected pulmonary embolism |
American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Committee. Clinical policy: critical issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients presenting with suspected pulmonary embolism (2003) |
9.5 |
British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of suspected acute pulmonary embolism (2003) |
European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism (2000) |
Salmeron (2001) France |
Prospective, cohort |
Data collection chart |
Multicenter: 37 EDs |
Emergency physicians |
4087 patients with acute asthma |
1. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines for the diagnosis and the management of asthma (1997) |
10 |
2. British guidelines on asthma management, 1995 review and position statement (1997) |
| |||||||
Shaked |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 E |
Not specified |
56 children with febrile seizure |
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Practice Parameter: the neurodiagnostic evaluation of the child with a first simple febrile seizure (1996) |
10 |
(2009) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Teismann |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Emergency residents Physician assistants |
553 patients with suspected venous thromboembolism |
American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Subcommittee on Suspected Pulmonary Embolism, evaluation and management of adult patients presenting with suspected pulmonary embolism (2003) |
9 |
(2009) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Thakore |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Not specified |
100 patients with syncope |
American college of physicians guideline for management of patients with syncope (1997) |
9 |
(1999) | |||||||
Scotland | |||||||
Trzeciak |
Retrospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Emergency physicians |
22 patients with confirmed or suspected sepsis |
Surviving sepsis campaign guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock (2004) |
10 |
(2006) | |||||||
USA | |||||||
Tsai (2009) USA |
Retrospective, cohort |
Medical record review |
Multicenter: 2 EDs |
Emergency physicians |
272 patients with COPD |
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease guidelines for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2001) |
10 |
Interview |
American College of Physicians guidelines for Management of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2001) |
American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society joint guidelines Standards for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with COPD (2004) |
Wright |
Retrospective, descriptive |
Medical record review |
Monocenter: 1 ED |
Emergency physicians |
244 patients who received vancomycin |
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Recommendations for preventing the spread of vancomycin resistance: Recommendations of the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (1995) |
10 |
(1998) | |||||||
Abbreviations: CICU Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, ED Emergency Department, EMS Emergency Medical Service, HEMS Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, MICU Mobile Intensive Care Unit, UH University Hospital.
Quality: assessed on a scale from 0 (poor quality) to 10 (excellent quality).