Table 1.
Descriptive checklist
Reference number | I st author Year Country | Type of population (Age range) | Specific inclusion criteria in relation to LBP | Method of data collection | Definition of relevant LBP outcome variable (Anatomical site, recall periods, duration, severity, consequence) | Years or time of surveys | Numbers of surveys over the study period/years |
[8] |
Smedley 1998 UK |
University hospital-based nurses, all types (19–64 years) |
NA |
Qaire |
LBP > 1 day in the past month |
1993 |
8/2 |
Every 3 month Until 1995 |
[9] |
Hestbaek 2003 Denmark |
Men and women living in a Danish municipality (30–50 years) |
NA |
Qaire |
Number of days with LBP in the past year (0; 1–7; 8–30; >30) days |
1991 |
3/5 |
1992 |
1995 |
[10] |
Maül 2003 Germany |
University hospital-based nurses (?) |
NA |
Qaire |
Number of days with LBP past year (0; 1–7; ≥8)* days |
1991 |
3/9 |
1992 |
1999 |
[11] |
Kääriä 2006 Finland |
The employees in factories, all types (at least 47 yrs) |
NA |
Qaire |
LBP in the past year |
1973 |
4/28 |
1978 |
1983 |
2000 |
[12] |
Tamcan 2010 Switzerland |
General population (?) |
Those who report LBP in 2002–03 and who still report LBP in 2005 |
Internet-based diaries or postal diaries |
LBP past month at week 1 and week 53 |
2005 |
53/1 |
Intensity of pain each week between |
Every week |
[13] |
Kolb 2011 Switzerland |
General population (?) |
NA |
Computer assisted telephonic interviews |
In past year >1 month of bad BP or LBP |
1999 |
5/5 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
[14] |
Van Oostrom 2011 The Netherlands |
General population (20–60) |
NA |
Qaire |
Persistent LBP past year |
1993-97 |
3/10 |
Defined as more than three months (study 1 and 3) and more than one month (study 2) |
1998-02 |
2003-07 |
[15] |
Videman 2005 Finlande |
Nursing students |
NA |
Qaire |
BP past 4 month, past year and past 4 years |
Baseline |
9/7.5 |
(0; 1–7; 8–30; >30) daysbut not daily, and daily |
Every 4 month during 2 years |
1 year after school |
5 year after school |
*Mentionned in methods. Reclassified from ‘severity’ to duration.
NA: Not applicable.