Fig. 2.
Summer frost resistance (LT50) of vegetative shoots (dark grey bars) and of reproductive shoots (light grey bars). Data for the species were pooled and grouped by a different reproductive stages b different flowering times, c different growth forms, and d different habitats. Saxifraga moschata which occurs from the alpine to the nival zone was assigned to the alpine group, as the investigated individuals originate from an alpine site. Box plots show the median (line inside the box), the 25th and 75th percentile (extent of box), and the whiskers range from maximum to minimum value. Different letters within subfigures indicate statistical differences among different groups for vegetative shoots (lower case letters) and for reproductive shoots (capital letters); (one-way ANOVA: a–c; t test d). Mean values of LT50 are significantly different between reproductive and vegetative shoots in all groups (p ≤ 0.001, t test)