Solid ribbon representations of the core domains from three distinct classes of megasynthase with termini indicated and active site volumes from one monomer shown with a light blue cloud. The images are drawn to scale and superimposable at the monomers with the active site volume shown. (A)
L. majuscule CurK DH domain (PDB#3KG9), an example of a modular PKS core, showing a side-by-side dimeric arrangement. (This domain is given the oligomeric state designation of DdhC in Table 1.) (B)
S. scrofa FAS DH domain (PDB#2VZ8), an example of a mammalian type I FAS core, showing a tilted side-by-side dimeric arrangement. (This domain is given the oligomeric state designation of DdhD in Table 1.) (C)
A. parasiticus PksA PT domain (PDB#3HRQ), an example of a nonreducing IPKS core, showing a unique head-to-head dimeric arrangement. (This domain is given the oligomeric state designation of DdhE in Table 1.)