Table 1.
Extraction methods by application and processes
Methoda | Intended sample type | Lysis method | Purification method |
Reference |
General |
Mechanical - Bead Beat |
Phenol Chloroform |
PrecipB |
Biofilm |
Mechanical - Bead Beat |
Precipitation and Silica Column |
MagBeads |
General |
Mechanical - Bead Beat |
Magnetic Beads |
PrecipS |
Soil |
Mechanical - Bead Beat |
Precipitation and Silica Column |
ChemLysis |
Gram Negative |
Chemical - Enzymatic |
Silica Column |
PrecipG | General | Mechanical - Bead Beat | Precipitation and Silica Column |
a DNA extraction kits are represented based on the fundamental methods utilized by each kit rather than kit names. Kits included MoBio PowerBiofilm (precipB), MoBio PowerSoil (precipS), MoBio UltraClean (precipG), Qiagen DNAeasy with Gram Negative lysis protocol (chemLysis), and Idaho Technologies Platinum Path (magBeads). Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this paper in order to specify the experimental procedure adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendations or endorsement by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.