Table 5.
Multiple regression analysis with the same predictor over 3 dependent variables about academic achievement
Depedent Variable | Predictor Variables | Untandardized Beta ± Std error (p) | R |
SRa |
Vigor |
.046 ± .027(p = 0,083) |
0.166 (p = 0.081) |
Dedication |
.025 ± 0.23(p = 0,270) |
Absorption |
−003 ± 0.22(p = 905) |
PRb |
Vigor |
.038 ± .015 (.011)* |
0.189 (p = 0.033)* |
Dedication |
015 ± 013(.239) |
Absorption |
−016 ± 012(.182) |
GPAc | Vigor |
070 ± 031(.027)* |
0.239 (p = 0.010)** |
Dedication |
032 ± 0.27(.239) |
Absorption | 003 ± 026(.912) |
a: Succes rate.
b: Performance rate.
c: Grade point average.
* = p < 0.05.
** = p < 0.01.