Table 1.
Day | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 21 | 33 |
Hb (g/dL) |
10.00 |
10.90 |
6.71 |
10.80 |
10.00 |
8.45 |
9.64 |
{13.80–17.20} |
TWBC (× 103 /μl) |
10.50 |
12.50 |
13.20 |
14.40 |
19.00 |
5.44 |
8.65 |
{3.80–10.80} |
Platelet (× 103/μl) |
48.00 |
33.40 |
81.10 |
124.00 |
96.50 |
396.00 |
498.00 |
{150.00–450.00} |
Urea (mg/dL) |
24.60 |
32.30 |
34.30 |
23.00 |
24.00 |
26.40 |
11.90 |
{7.00–30.00} |
Potassium (mmol/L) |
4.45 |
4.54 |
4.19 |
4.40 |
3.68 |
3.24 |
3.68 |
{3.50–5.00} |
Sodium (mmol/L) |
120.00 |
122.00 |
119.00 |
131.00 |
130.00 |
130.00 |
134.00 |
{135.00–145.00} |
Creatinine (μmol/L) |
371.00 |
486.00 |
494.00 |
471.00 |
557.00 |
739.00 |
179.00 |
{≤106} |
TB (μmol/L) |
155.10 |
80.00 |
85.00 |
31.10 |
28.80 |
N/A |
14.90 |
{<26} |
ALP (U/L) |
203.00 |
178.00 |
155.00 |
147.00 |
147.00 |
N/A |
107.00 |
{40.00–120.00} |
Albumin (g/L) |
31.00 |
27.00 |
23.00 |
24.00 |
22.00 |
N/A |
39.00 |
{3.50–5.00} |
AST (U/L) |
212.00 |
174.00 |
295.00 |
177.00 |
89.00 |
N/A |
34.00 |
{0–37.00} |
ALT (U/L) |
89.00 |
82.00 |
104.00 |
102.00 |
75.00 |
N/A |
36.00 |
{0–35.00} |
pH |
7.50 |
7.47 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
{7.34–7.44} |
PaCO2 (mmHg) |
26.00 |
21.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
{35.00–45.00} |
PaO2 (mmHg) |
168.00 |
109.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
{75.00–100.00} |
HCO3 (mmol/L) |
22.80 |
18.50 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
{22.00–26.00} |
LDH (U/L) |
1329.00 |
N/A |
1613.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
{105.00–230.00} |
Parasitemia (%) | 27.00 | 4.50 | 0.80 | 0.15 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Values in {} indicate the normal range of the respective subjects tested, corresponding to the age and gender of our patient. Hb = Haemoglobin; TWBC = Total White Blood Cell Count; TB = Total Bilirubin; ALP = Alkaline Phosphatase; AST = Aspartate Aminotransferase; ALT = Alanine Aminotransferase; PaCO2 = Arterial Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure; PaO2 = Arterial Oxygen Partial Pressure; LDH = Lactate Dehydrogenase; N/A = Not Available.