Fig. 3.
Set1 and H3K4 methylation localizes to the HMG1 locus. (A and D) Schematics of HMG1 and ERG11 loci with indicated positions of probes for ChIP analysis. Probes were targeted to the promoter (P) and 5′- (ORF) and 3′-ORF regions. (B, C, E, and F) ChIP analyses from the indicated strains were performed using antibodies specific to a 3XMYC tag for detection of Set1, histone H3K4 di- and trimethylation, and histone H3. ChIP analysis for H3K4 di- and trimethylation was normalized to input and histone H3 and relative to a ChIP from an set1Δ strain. ChIP analysis for Set1 3XMYC was normalized to input and relative to WT untagged strain. All ChIP analyses wer performed using three biological repeats with three technical replicates; error bars represent SEM.