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. 2012 Oct;16(4):172–178. doi: 10.6091/ibj.1093.2012

Table 2.

Output for relative expression of EFG1 and ALS3 genes by use of ΔΔCt method (REST©, 2008 V2.0.7). Results indicate that the differences between EFG1 expression in the yeast of control and sample groups are significant as well as the expression of ALS3 gene.

Gene Type Reaction Efficiency Expression Standard Error 95% C.I. P(H1) * Result
ACT1 REF  1.0 1.000
EFG1 (unrelated siRNA) TRG  1.2 1.046 0.636 - 1.820 0.482 - 2.277 0.638
EFG1 (500 nM siRNA) TRG 1.2 0.357 0.209 - 0.674 0.153 - 0.858 0.000 DOWN
ALS3 (500 nM siRNA) TRG 0.8 0.122 0.066 - 0.288 0.049 - 0.347 0.000 DOWN
EFG1 (1,000 nM siRNA) TRG 1.0 0.179 0.101 - 0.394 0.080 - 0.487 0.000 DOWN
ALS3 (1,000 nM siRNA) TRG 0.8 0.037 0.021 - 0.068 0.017 - 0.075 0.000 DOWN

*P(H1), probability of alternate hypothesis that difference between sample and control groups is due only to chance.  TRG, target;  REF, reference; down-regulation of ALS3 and EFG1 genes after using siRNA; C.I., confidence interval.