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. 2013 Mar 12;7:515–520. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S40147

Table 2.

CD50 (minutes), Cr ratio (%), and the relation to AD classification of each ophthalmic solution and additive

Ophthalmic solution CR (%) CDT50 (minutes) AD classification
Latanoprost (Xalatan®) 82.0 11.6 A1D2
Tafluprost (Tapros®) 113.2 >60 A0D0
Bimatoprost (Lumigan®) 118.0 50.5 A0D0
Travoprost (Travatan®) 81.0 25.3 A1D1
Travoprost (Travatan Z®) 96.6 51.0 A0D0
BAK (0.005%) 105.0 14.5 A0D0
BAK (0.01%) 90.5 8.1 A1D1
BAK (0.02%) 68.7 4.0 A2D2
HCO-40 (0.1%) 108.7 24.6 A0D0
P-80 (0.1%) 114.2 37.2 A0D0

Notes: Cell injuries were the most severe with BAK, followed by P-80 and HCO-40. The CR ratio (%) significantly decreased with latanoprost (82.0%, 2 minutes after instillation) and with travoprost (81.0%, 30 minutes after instillation), but recovered as time advanced (P < 0.05). On the other hand, a decrease in the Cr ratio was rarely observed with travoprost-Z. The CR ratio with tafluprost or bimatoprost did not decrease, and tended to be slightly higher after instillation.

Abbreviations: CD50, exposure time causing 50% cell damage; Cr, corneal resistance; AD, area density; BAK, benzalkonium chloride; P-80, polysorbate 80; HCO-40, polyoxyethylene hardening castor oil 40.