Table 1.
Impact of the Diet on the Abundance of the Gut Microbiota
Donor | Sample | Phenotypic Changes | Diet | Important Changes in Microbiota |
Sprague-Dawley rats98 | Cecal | Increase in body fat on obesity prone rats | High fat |
Bacteroidales ↑ Clostridiales ↑ |
Mice97 | Fecal | Increase in body fat | Western | Eubacterium dolichum ↑ |
RELMβ KO and wild-type mice99 | Fecal | Tendency to obesity in wild-type mice RELMβ KO mice not affected |
Chow to high fat |
Clostridiales ↑ Mollicutes ↑a Desulfovibrionaceae ↑ Bacteroidaceae ↓ Prevotella ↓ Rickenellaceae ↓ |
ob/ob mice33 | Fecal and cecal | Increase in body weight | High fat |
Bifidobacteria ↑ Actinobacteria ↑ Proteobacteria ↓ |
Gnotobiotic mice (obese human microbiome)17 | Fecal | Increase in adiposity | Low fat to Westernb |
Bacilli (Enterococcus) ↑ Erysipelotrichi ↑ |
Gnotobiotic mice (co-colonization)157 | Cecal | NA | Western to low- fat, high-plant polysaccharide |
Eubacterium rectale ↓ Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron = |
Normal-weight individuals100 | Fecal | Stable weight | Low carbohydrate High carbohydrate |
Bifidobacterium ↓ Fecal Lactobacillus = Fecal Lactobacillus = |
Normal-weight individuals58 | Fecal | Stable weight | Low carbohydrate, high protein | Roseburia/E rectale ↓ |
Obese men158 | Fecal | NA | Resistant starch in comparison with NSP Weight loss diet |
E rectale ↑ Ruminococcus bromii ↑ Oscillibacter valericigenes ↑ Bacteroides =Faecalibacterium prausnitzii = Collinsella aerofaciens ↓ |
Obese men101 | Fecal | NA | High protein, low carbohydrate to medium carbohydrate |
Roseburia/Eubacterium ↑ Bifidobacterium ↑ |
Children13 | Fecal | NA | High fiber, polysaccharide |
Prevotella ↑ Xylanibacter ↑ |
KO, knockout; NA, not available; NSP, nonsugar polysaccharide; ↑, increase; ↓, decrease; =, no change observed.
Significantly less important.
Western diet refers to high-sugar and high-fat diet.