Table 1.
Neurobehavioral tests of central nervous system (CNS) function administered to pesticide applicators.
Test | Function assessed | Units |
Continuous performancea | Sustained attention | m/s |
Digit-symbola | Visual scanning and processing | seconds |
Finger tapping, dominant hand | Motor speed | avg # of taps (4, 10-second trials) |
Grooved pegboard, dominant handa | Fine motor coordination | seconds |
Auditory verbal learning total recall | Verbal learning and memory | # correct (0-36) |
Auditory verbal learning delayed recall | Memory | # correct (0-12) |
Auditory verbal learning recognition | Memory | true positives - false positives (−12−12) |
Sequences A latencya | Motor speed and scanning | seconds |
Sequences B latencya | Motor speed and scanning | seconds |
Higher score indicate poorer performance.