Figure 7.
Discharge of a representative SEF visual memory neuron. (A) Task conditions. (B1,2), go trials when rightward (B1) and leftward (B2) visual motion was applied as cue 1. (C1,2) no-go trials when rightward (C1) and leftward (C2) visual motion was applied as cue 1. Red trace in eye position (pos) record and arrow in spike raster in (B1) highlight an error trial. (B3 and C3) compare mean discharge rate during rightward (black)/leftward (blue) cue 1 visual motion for go and no-go trials, respectively. To assess which period(s) of the task (A2–7) were associated with modulated neuronal activity, mean discharge rates of individual neurons were measured during the different task periods for the correct response [e.g., (C1), periods 2–7], and were compared with the mean rate (±SD) during the initial fixation [(C1), period 1] for each neuron. Significant differences were defined as those having a p-value < 0.05 using Student's t test with the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Neurons that exhibited significant modulation during this task were defined as task-related neurons. (D and E) de-saccaded and averaged eye velocity and discharge of this neuron 500 ms before and 1000 ms after spot motion onset (vertical straight line) during the action period. Smooth-pursuit onset is indicated by a dashed line. Only correct trials were averaged for go (D) and no-go conditions (E) as indicated by colors. See text for further explanation. Reproduced and modified from Shichinohe et al. (2009) and Fukushima et al. (2011a).