a, Colon sections from CPC-APC mice were stained with periodic acid-Schiff reagent, Oregon488-WGA or mucin 2 antibody. Normal (N) and tumour (T) areas are depicted. b, c, Sections of normal human colon and adjacent CRC specimens were stained with mucin-2-specific antibody (b) or JAM-A or JAM-B antibodies (c). d, Human adenomas were stained with WGA or JAM-A antibodies. Normal and tumour areas are marked. e, Sections of CPC-APC colons were stained with β-catenin antibody and analysed by light microscopy or WGA and JAM-A antibodies and analysed by confocal microscopy. f, Colon sections of tamoxifen-injected control or Cdx2ERT-Cre × ApcF/F mice were stained with JAM-A antibody or WGA. Normal (N) and APC-deleted areas are shown. Scale bars, 100μm.