Increase of intracellular calcium induced by HA through activation of H1R. (A-D) Representative trace from responsive NPC to 100 μM HA, showing the average ratio (R) of fluorescence of Fura-2 alternating excitation between 340 nm (F340) and 380 nm (F380) as a measure of [Ca2+]i. HA addition elicited a clear increase (A) that was blocked by co-incubation of HA with the H1R antagonist chlorpheniramine (Chlorph.) (B), (C) HA added in a medium without extracellular calcium caused a discrete [Ca2+]i rise. (D) Cimetidine (Cimet.) did not block the Ca2+ elevation caused by HA. Note that neither chlorpheniramine nor cimetidine modified basal Ca2+ levels. (E-P) Representative images from the same experiment in A to D at different times: before the stimulus (E, H, K, N), after HA addition (F, I, L, O) and 80 seconds after the stimulus was given (G, J, M, P). Chlorpheniramine and cimetidine were incubated during the five minutes prior to HA addition. The bar on the side of image E indicates the scale for R = F340 / F380. (Q) Average values of ratiometric Fura-2 measurements, expressed as a percentage of the basal (before stimulus) value are presented in the graph as the mean ± standard error from three to five independent experiments. ***P <0.0001 versus 100 μM HA and also versus 100 μM HA + Cimet.; aP <0.01 versus 100 μM HA without extracellular Ca2+. HA, histamine; H1R, histamine receptor type 1; NPC, neural precursor cells.