Figure 4.
Decode performance over time and space. (a) Seven-class performance for MUA-based decodes. Solid lines show performance for AI and dotted lines show performance for PBr. (b) Seven-class performance for LFP-based decodes. Solid lines show performance for AI and dotted lines show performance for PBr. Brown lines show performance for spectrograms with the lowest frequency resolution. Copper lines show performance for spectrograms with higher frequency resolution. Standard error bars are shown in (a), (b), (d), and (f); which are only slightly larger than the line width. The dash-dotted line in (a), (b), (d), and (f) indicates the level of chance. (c) LFP-based decode performance level for each electrode for seven classes is superimposed onto a map of the AI microelectrode array. “Ant” and “Mes” indicate the corners of the array that are pointing in the anterior direction (Ant) and towards the midline (Mes) on the STP. “X” indicates electrodes that were not connected. (d) LFP-based decode performance for different electrode densities across the array. Seven-class performance is shown for different electrode configurations, which are shown in black on the footprint of the AI electrode array for each electrode density tested. (e) Performance level for each MUA channel superimposed onto a map of electrodes with significant responses. “Ant” and “Mes” indicate the corners of the array that are pointing in the anterior direction and towards the midline on the STP. “X” indicates electrodes that were not connected. (f) MUA-based decode performance for different electrode densities. Seven-class performance is shown for different electrode configurations, which are shown in black on the footprint of the AI electrode array for each electrode density tested.