Figure 6.
Immunohistochemical analysis of the SIFamide receptor (SIFa-R, green, arrowhead) in tick salivary glands. (A, B, C) Type III acini were isolated from four-day-fed females and sectioned. The empty arrow heads indicate the salivary duct in A and the acinar duct in C, which were obscured by the autofluorescence of the cuticular lining of the duct. (D, E) The SIFamide neuropeptide (red, arrow) and its receptor (SIFa-R, green, arrow head) in a whole-mount staining of acini type II (D, 5-day-fed female) and acini type III (E, 4-day-fed female). Note that the neuropeptidergic signal (red) is closely associated with the basally localized SIFa-R (green). Fluorescence surrounding the acinus is non-specific noise, often associated with Bouin’s fixation. (F) Simplified diagram of the acini type III basal region. The nuclei of different cells are shown as round circles. SIFamide peptidergic innervations (magenta) are closely associated with SIFa-R receptors (green) as depicted. Three different types of cells in the basal region are annotated, with the cell boundary indicated only for the mypepithelial cell, as described in (Krolak et al., 1982). The dotted line in D indicates the boundary of an acinus. The scale bar indicates 10 µm.