Treatment with 1 mg/kg MPH significantly decreases NMDA receptor-mediated current via depression of NR2B subunits. A, Representative traces of EPSCs recorded at +60 mV in the presence of picrotoxin (50 µM) and DNQX (20 µM) in response to a 10-pulse 20-Hz train of stimuli from saline-treated controls (n = 7) and MPH-treated neurons (n = 7). B, The amplitude of the first EPSC was significantly reduced in MPH-treated neurons compared to saline controls (*p < 0.05). C, Charge transfer, which was measured as an integrated area of the EPSCs, MPH-treated neurons exhibited a significant reduction in summation and linear relationship compared to saline-treated control neurons (F = 4.413, * p <0.05). D, Representative traces of NMDA current trains before and after applications of selective NR2B antagonist Ro-256981 are shown for both saline and MPH-treated neurons. E, Bath application of Ro-256981 resulted in a significantly greater decrease in NMDA current amplitude in saline-treated neurons vs. MPH-treated neurons (decrease to 61.7% of baseline for saline, and decrease to 82.1% of baseline for MPH, p < 0.05).