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. 2013 Mar 20;7:41. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00041

Figure 9.

Figure 9

Commissural propagation in the presence of GABAA antagonists. Time lapse images of the response during a 20 Hz train superimposed on an image of the IC. The color bar at the top of each panel shows the range of responses illustrated is restricted to the peak response regions to isolate commissural propagation from the more diffuse spread of activity in the ICC. (A) Normal ACSF. Right panel, Expanded image of the first frame, 900, with inset traces of responses in single white and gray pixels. White pixel, ICC; gray pixel, commissure. Frames are 25 ms apart. (B) 20 μm SR95531. Insets, traces correspond to the white and gray pixels highlighted in the first frame (frame 900) in the top panel. The gray pixel is in the commissural region. Right panel, Expanded image of inset traces of responses in the white and gray pixels. Pixelated areas in frame 900 [(A), right panel] also applies to (B). Frame intervals are the same as in (A). Directional scale bar applies to both images.