TIARA genome browser. (a) The control panel of TIARA genome browser. (b) Arrangement of genomic query results according to the types of genomic variants such as SNP, indel, gene expression, allele-specific expression, TBMs, read depth and log2 ratio. The genome browser has been directed to gene SEC22B by entering it into the ‘Gene Name’ text box after selecting samples AK3 and AK4. One SNP from the DNA-Seq SNP display window (single enlarged red dot, second window) has been selected, yielding full read alignment details below, justifying the heterozygous SNP call. Interestingly, allele-specific expression can also be observed for this gene, as indicated by green dots in the Integrative Multi-Omics Display window. The pop-up window, which displays read counts for reference and variant alleles, was obtained by clicking one such point (enlarged green dot).