Figure 4. DC activation during early L. donovani infection of B6 and plt/plt mice.
(A) Spleen DC from B6 (left panels) and plt/plt (right panels) were identified as CD11c+ MHC Class IIhi and then analysed for expression of CD80 (top), CD86 (middle) and CD40 (bottom). Histograms show representative staining of naïve (dotted line) and 5hr-infected (solid line) mice. Data are representative of 3 mice from 3 independent experiments. (B) Mean fluorescence intensities (MFI) of MHC-II, CD80, CD86 and CD40 on splenic DC from infected B6 (solid bar) and plt/plt (open bar) mice. Data are shown as fold-increase over DC in naïve mice. The values are expressed with mean ± SEM for 3 independent experiments. * p<0.05.