Severely disorganized chondrocyte columns in Jab1flox/flox; Col2a1-Cre mutants. (A) Immunostaining shows strong Jab1 expression in E18.5 wild-type chondrocytes (indicated by asterisks), but not in Jab1flox/flox; Col2a1-Cre mutants (40×). (B) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of proximal tibia of E18.5 Jab1flox/flox; Col2a1-Cre (cKO) mutants. (C) BrdU labeling of the proximal tibia of E16.5 Jab1flox/flox; Col2a1-Cre mutants (10×). (D) Quantification of BrdU incorporation of E16.5 proximal tibia, showing normal chondrocyte proliferation at E16.5. n = 4 individual mice per group. MUT, Jab1 cKO mutants. WT, wild-type littermates. Pro, proliferating chondrocytes; Pre, prehypertrophic chondrocytes; HC, hypertrophic chondrocytes.