Table 5. Effects of age and age2 together on nodal graph theory metrics, as modeled by Eq. 1.
‘ns’ corresponds to non-significant effect. FDR corrected within model across all nodal metrics tested (q < 0.05). Bolded entries survive FDR across all metrics and all nodes within model. Non-bolded entries were survived FDR within metric but did not survive FDR across all metrics tested.
Betweenness Centrality |
Clustering | Degree | Regional Efficiency |
Age | ||||
L Cuneus | ns | ns | 10 (0.0035) | ns |
L Entorhinal | ns | ns | 13 (0.00024) | ns |
L Inferior Parietal | −72 (4.6×10−6) | 0.24 (0.00052) | −12 (1.2×10−4) | −0.10 (4.5×10−4) |
L Lat Occipital | −54 (3.7×10−5) | 0.25 (0.0021) | −7.2 (0.0059) | ns |
L Parahippocampal | ns | −0.50 (9.6×10−3) | 14 (0.00043) | 0.16 (0.00020) |
L Paracentral | −130 (0.0011) | ns | ns | ns |
L Postcentral | −24 (0.0069) | ns | −9.1 (0.0025) | −0.072 (0.0088) |
L Post Cingulate | 220 (0.00044) | −0.22 (3.4×10−6) | 19 (6.4×10−4) | 0.14 (6.9×10−4) |
L Precentral | −120 (0.00088) | ns | −9.5 (0.0099) | −0.082 (0.0051) |
L Rostral Ant Cingulate | ns | ns | 10 (0.0096) | ns |
L Rostral Mid Frontal | −95 (0.0012) | 0.26 (0.0020) | −10 (0.0017) | −0.091 (0.0040) |
L Sup Frontal | ns | ns | 11 (0.0085) | 0.086 (0.0055) |
L Supra-marginal | ns | ns | −5.9 (0.010) | ns |
L Frontal Pole | ns | ns | −8.2 (0.0020) | −0.34 (0.0053) |
R Caudal Ant Cingulate | −44 (0.0086) | 0.21 (0.0029) | −11 (0.0026) | −0.091 (0.0075) |
R Isthmus of the Cingulate | −100 (0.011) | ns | ns | ns |
R Parahippocampal | ns | ns | ns | 0.12 (0.0056) |
R Paracentral | −54 (0.0049) | ns | ns | ns |
R Postcentral | ns | −0.34 (5.1×10−6) | 12 (0.00065) | 0.10 (0.0014) |
R Precuneus | −190 (0.0026) | ns | ns | ns |
R Rostral Ant Cingulate | −63 (0.0052) | ns | −7.7 (0.0054) | ns |
R Rostral Mid Frontal | ns | ns | −7.2 (0.0021) | ns |
R Sup Temporal | −50 (0.0012) | ns | −9.5 (2.1×10−4) | −0.091 (2.9×10−5) |
R Supra-marginal | ns | ns | ns | 0.077 (0 0066) |
Age2 | ||||
L Entorhinal | ns | ns | −6.3 (0.0010) | ns |
L Inferior Parietal | 32 (0.00033) | ns | 5.0 (0.00020) | 0.050 (0.00023) |
L Parahippocampal | ns | 0.22 (0.0021) | ns | ns |
L Post Cingulate | ns | 0.95 (0.00047) | −8.2 (0.00088) | −0.054 (0.0011) |
R Postcentral | ns | 0.17 (6.9×10−5) | ns | ns |
R Sup Temporal | ns | ns | 5.0 (2.5×10−5) | 0.045 (0.00019) |