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. 2013 Jan 22;2013:bcr2012007518. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2012-007518

Table 1.

Reported cases concerning the use of rituximab in WG patients with intestinal involvement

Author/year of publication Number of cases Sex/age Involvement Type of bowel involvement c-ANCA Indication Previous treatment Therapy regimen Follow-up duration
Minami et al (2007)9 1 F/55 Upper respiratory tract, eyes, lungs, bowel and neurological Intestinal perforation + Refractory disease , aggressive progression Steroid cyclophosphamide γ-globulin 375 mg/m2/every 4 weeks Totally 4 cures 14 months
Oristrellet al (2009)4 1 M/73 Upper respiratory tract, lungs, bowel, Mesenteric ischaemia, intestinal perforation + Pancytopenia and infection due to cyclophosphamide , aggressive progression Steroid cyclophosphamide 375 mg/m2/every 4 weeks Totally 4 cures 22 months
Steinbach et al (2010)9 1 NA/45 Lungs, bowel, kidney Paralitic ileus,  haemorrhagic necrosis + Aggressive progression Steroid cyclophosphamide Rituximab Dosage: NA NA
Witsch  et al (2011)10 1 F/70 Lungs, bowel, neurological, kidney Intestinal haemorrhagy, ileo-caecal involvement + Aggressive progression Steroid plasmapheresis γ-globulin 375 mg/m2/every 4 weeks totally 4 cures NA