(a) Optovin's absorbance (UV-Vis) at the indicated wavelengths. (b) Fluorescence of the singlet oxygen indicator dye SOG with and without optovin at the indicated light intensities. (c) Behavioral excitation scores from animals treated with the indicated compounds (n=5 wells). Wells treated with optovin and 7c7 are significantly higher than DMSO treated controls, p<0.001). The difference between DMSO and 7d1 is not significant, p=0.8. Abbreviated names of singlet oxygen generators: Hyper, Hypericin; AO, acridine orange; MC, merocyanine 540; RB, rose Bengal. (d) Calcium indicator fluorescence before and after optovin treatment in cells transfected with the GFP, hTRPA1 or the indicated hTRPA1 mutant construct. (e) Barplot quantifying the calcium response 1 min after optovin treatment (n=130, 120, 107, 111, 75 cells respectively) (**p<0.01, ***p<0.0001). (f) Structures of the analogs are shown. Note that the olefin is methylated in analog 7d1. All compounds were tested at 10 μM.