Figure 1.
The structure of the S. aureus AdT and its putative ammonia tunnel. This image was built from the S. aureus Mu50 AdT crystal structure using Pymol and PDB files 2F2A and 2G5I. GatA is shown in magenta, GatB in cyan, and GatC in grey. Conserved residues along the proposed tunnel are highlighted in sticks and dots.43 The glutamine in the GatA active site (from PDB file 2F2A) and the ADP in the GatB active site (from PDB file 2G5I) are shown as spaced filled molecules. The GatB C-terminal flexible domain (residues 275–411) is indicated; see text for details. The inset shows a close-up of the conserved residues lining the ammonia tunnel. The residues are numbered according to S. aureus Mu50 AdT, with parenthetical notations indicating the corresponding positions in H. pylori AdT.