Table 1.
Case | Age/sex/eye | Concurrent illnesses/therapy | Months from onset to RAO | Retinitis extent at RAO zone (clock hours) | Diagnostic method | Vascular event (vision in affected eye) |
1 |
71/M/OD |
DM, HTN subtenon injection of triamcinolone |
5 |
Zone II-III (2) |
Aqueous PCR+ CMV, retinal biopsy with cytomegalic inclusion bodies |
2 |
81/M/OD |
MS, CVA, DM, hyperlipidemia |
2 |
Zone II-III (3) |
Aqueous PCR+ CMV |
3 |
66/M/OS |
POAG, CLL on no treatment |
2 |
Zone II (1) |
Vitreous PCR negative, aqueous PCR+ CMV |
4 |
77/F/OD |
PMR, GCA, prednisone 10 mg, subtenon triamcinolone |
4 |
Zone III (1) |
Vitreous PCR negative, response to ganciclovir |
5 |
61/M/OD |
CHF, HTN, DM, aortic aneurysm |
4 |
Zone II (5) |
Aqueous PCR+ CMV |
BRAO (20/30) |
6 |
80/F/OD |
NA |
Zone III (1) |
Aqueous PCR+ CMV |
Zone I arterial sheathing (20/30) |
7 | 75/M/OD | DM, CAD | NA | Zone I-III (9) | Aqueous PCR+ CMV | None (HM) |
BRAO, branch retinal arteriolar occlusion; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CRAO, central retinal artery occlusion; CVA, cerebral thromboembolic event; DM, diabetes mellitus; F, female; GCA, giant cell arteritis; HM, hand motions; HTN, hypertension; LP, light perception; M, male; MS, multiple sclerosis; NA; not applicable; OD, right eye; OS, left eye; OU, both eyes; PCR+, positive result by polymerase chain reaction; PMR, polymyalgia rheumatica; POAG, primary open angle glaucoma; RAO, retinal arteriolar occlusion; Zone, anatomic area of retina involved with retinitis; Zone I, arcade to arcade with 1-disc diameter border around optic nerve; Zone II, arcades to equator; Zone III, equator to ora.