Thrombin-ligand complexes. Ligands bound to thrombin such as Hirudin(54–65), PAR3(44–56), PAR1(49–62), PPACK, fibrinogen γ′(410–427), and GpIbα(269–286) are depicted as black sticks. Thrombin fragments obtained by peptic digest that represent ABE I, ABE II, autolysis loop, 106–116 and 202–207 regions are colored in red, dark blue, green, cyan, and orange, respectively. The catalytic triad is shown as sticks in yellow (for the IIa-PPACK complex). Protein Data Bank codes include 1HAH for Hirudin(54–65), 2PUX for PAR3(44–56), 1PPB for PPACK, 2HWL for fibrinogen γ′(410–427), and 1P8V for GpIbα(269–286). The figure was prepared with PyMOL.