(A): The excitatory effects of neuromodulators under standard conditions. Ach; Acetylcholine receptors, NE; adorenoceptors, 5-HT; selotonin receptors, DA; dopamine receptors, NK; neurokinin receptors, CCK;cholecystokinin receptors, M3; muscarinic3 Ach receptors, α1; α1-adorenoceptor, 2A, 2B; 5-HT2A,2B receptors, 3; 5-HT3 receptors, 4; 5-HT4 receptors, X2; P2X2 receptors, Y1; P2Y1 receptors, 1; NK1 receptors and CCK1 receptors, PAG; periaquedutal gray, X; the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, LC; locus ceruleus, RM; raphe magnus, PVN; paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, VM; ventral medulla (The origin of the ATP may come from glia which is located at superficial layer of the ventral medulla), NTS; nucleus of tractus solitarius, ambiguus; nucleus of ambiguus, q/11; Gq/11 protein, s; Gs protein, PLC; phospholipase C, PIP2 ;Phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate, IP3, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, PKC; protein kinase C, AC; adenylyl cyclase, cAMP, adenosine monophosphate, Amp.; amplitude, Freq.; frequency, Gener.; respiratory generator, Motor; respiratory related activity at the level of the motor nucleus or nerve, (↑); facilitatory effect on the respiratory rhythm, (↓); inhibitory effect on the respiratory rhythm, (+); Respiratory study was performed, (−); The respiratory study was not performed yet.
(B): Excitatory effects of neuromodulators on the respiratory rhythm under pathological conditions in vitro and in situ preparation. i/o; Gi/o protein, βγ; Gβγ protein, “Pentbarbital administration” means the specific condition under which pentobarbital sodium was applied to the slice preparation) or injected into the in situ preparation. “Activation of μ-opioid receptors” means the specific condition during which the agonist of the μ-opioid receptors was applied or injected.