Figure 1.
The figure illustrates how the external and internal cross-validation results behave as functions of the number of selected features. The external-cross validation consists of three training/test splits. The wrapper-based feature selection method, greedy RLS [23], is separately run during each round of the external cross-validation. Greedy RLS, in turn, employs an internal leave-one-out cross-validation on the training set for scoring the feature set candidates. The red curve depicts the mean values over these internal cross-validation errors. As can be easily observed from the blue curve, this internal cross-validation MSE used for the model training keeps constantly improving, which is expected, because the internal cross-validation quickly overfits to the training data when it is used as a selection measure. The blue curve depicts the area under curve (AUC) on the test data, held out during the external cross-validation round, that is, data completely unseen during the internal cross-validation and feature selection process. In contrast to the red curve, the blue curve starts to level off soon after the number of selected variants reaches around 10, indicating that adding extra features is not beneficial anymore even if the internal scoring function keeps improving. The green curve depicts the AUC of the RLS model trained using features selected by single-locus p-value based filter method, Fisher’s exact test, which is run with the same external training/test split as the greedy selection method. Similarly to the blue curve, the green one also stops improving soon after a relatively small set of features has been selected. The data used in the experiments is the Wellcome Trust Case Controls Consortium (WTCCC) Hypertension dataset combined with the UK National Blood Services’ controls.