Figure 3. Representative examples of enhanced nanoparticle targeting to EGF receptors using nanoparticle decoration with anti-EGF receptor antibody fragments.
(A) Cell viability assay shows a significant decrease in cell viability following treatment with varying DDP concentrations delivered via anti-EGF receptor fragment-labeled nanoparticles, compared with nontargeted nanoparticles or free drug. (Bi) Anti-EGF receptor fragment-labeled red fluorescent polymeric micelles undergo higher internalization compared with (Bii) the nontargeted formulation.
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.
DDP: Cisplatin; EHDDP: EGF receptor-targeted–heparin–cisplatin; HDDP: Heparin–cisplatin; Pt: Platinum.
Reproduced with permission from [48,52].
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