Left hand panels show the long duration condition; right panels show the short duration condition. The response scaling parameter, γ, parameter for each observer was as follows: Long duration condition = [1.85, 5.32, 6.02] for observers AR, DC, and DO, respectively. Short duration condition = [2.10, 0.25, 5.17] for observers AR, DC, and DO, respectively. The exponentiated criterion parameter was scaled to be comparable to the other parameters by dividing by the 1.5 times the maximum estimated exponentiated criterion (i.e., kγmax = [0.40, 0.29, 0.16] for observers AR, DC, and DO, respectively, in the long duration condition and kγmax = [0.40, 0.29, 0.18] for observers AR, DC, and DO, respectively, in the short duration condition).