A: HT29 glycan expression in cell response to C1GalT siRNA or control siRNA. After treatment of the cells with C1GalT siRNA or control non-targeting siRNA (con-siRNA), cellular expressions of TF, Tn, sialyl-Tn and GSL-II binding (GlcNAc-, Core 3-associated glycans) were assessed by slot blots with monoclonal antibodies against TF (TF5), Tn (HB-Tn1), sialy-Tn (HB-STn1) or with biotin-GSL-II. Parallel blots were probed with antibody against β-actin for equal protein loading. Duplicate assessments are shown for each blot. B: Quantification of the expressions of cellular TF, Tn, sialy-Tn and GSL-II binding (GlcNAc-, Core 3-associated glycans) in HT29 cell response to C1GalT siRNA. Densities of the slots blots were quantified* and the glycan expressions are expressed as percentage change to the non-siRNA control after normalization with protein loading. *The blot densities of TF expression from untreated and C1GalT siRNA treated HT29 cells were 5004 and 715; Tn 1314 and 4345; sialyl-Tn 1634 and 4868; GSL-II binding (Core 3) 489 and 1156 and tublin 1898 and 1928.