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. 2013 Mar 25;8(3):e59071. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059071

Table 3. Multivariate odds ratio (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of eGFR decline according to tertiles or categories of anthropometric measures.

Measures Category/Tertile ≥3 decline 20% decline ≥3 or 20% decline 60> eGFR
No. of case OR (95% CI) No. of case OR (95% CI) No. of case OR (95% CI) No. of case OR (95% CI)
BMIa (kg/m2) <23 20 1.00 21 1.00 22 1.00 12 1.00
23−<25 20 1.13(0.53–2.42) 23 1.24(0.61–2.54) 23 1.16(0.57–2.37) 12 1.08(0.43–2.67)
25−<30 30 1.05(0.51–2.17) 31 1.01(0.51–2.01) 33 1.00(0.51–1.98) 22 1.24(0.54–2.84)
≥30 10 2.15(0.80–5.77) 10 2.14(0.82–5.58) 11 2.21(0.86–5.67) 6 2.12(0.67–6.76)
P-trend 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2
BMIb (kg/m2) <23 20 1.00 21 1.00 22 1.00 12 1.00
23−<25 20 0.85(0.38–1.93) 23 0.90(0.42–1.94) 23 0.88(0.41–1.89) 12 0.75(0.29–1.97)
25−<30 30 0.62(0.24–1.55) 31 0.54(0.23–1.31) 33 0.59(0.25–1.40) 22 0.59(0.21–1.69)
≥30 10 0.96(0.26–3.57) 10 0.85(0.24–2.98) 11 0.99(0.29–3.43) 6 0.70(0.16–3.16)
P-trend 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5
WCa (cm) M: < = 90, F: < = 85 23 1.00 27 1.00 28 1.00 16 1.00
M: >90, F: >85 18 2.63(1.22–5.65) 17 2.00(0.96–4.16) 18 2.00(0.97–4.13) 11 2.80(1.14–6.92)
M: >95, F: >90 21 2.49(1.15–5.38) 24 2.38(1.17–4.83) 25 2.35(1.16–4.74) 17 2.84(1.22–6.61)
P-trend 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
WCc (cm) M: < = 90, F: < = 85 23 1.00 27 1.00 28 1.00 16 1.00
M: >90, F: >85 18 2.98(1.26–7.02) 17 2.11(0.94–4.74) 18 2.24(1.00–5.01) 11 2.88(1.06–7.79)
M: >95, F: >90 21 3.17(1.10–9.13) 24 2.65(1.00–6.99) 25 2.93(1.12–7.69) 17 2.98(0.94–9.48)
P-trend 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.05
Weightd (cm) T1 31 1.00 30 1.00 32 1.00 16 1.00
T2 25 0.96(0.48–1.92) 28 1.13(0.58–2.20) 29 1.05(0.54–2.03) 17 1.36(0.58–3.21)
T3 26 1.30(0.58–2.95) 29 1.40(0.64–3.10) 30 1.28(0.59–2.80) 21 2.09(0.76–5.75)
P-trend 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2
Heighte (cm) T1 30 1.00 29 1.00 31 1.00 16 1.00
T2 25 1.13(0.54–2.35) 27 1.21(0.59–2.48) 28 1.22(0.60–2.48) 14 1.53(0.59–3.93)
T3 25 1.84(0.58–5.84) 29 1.62(0.54–4.85) 30 1.82(0.61–5.43) 22 3.87(0.91–16.5)
P-trend 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.06
Hip circumferencea (cm) T1 13 1.00 15 1.00 16 1.00 11 1.00
T2 25 2.29(1.04–5.03) 28 2.24(1.08–4.67) 29 2.10(1.02–4.31) 19 2.16(0.90–5.14)
T3 24 1.95(0.87–4.38) 25 1.88(0.88–3.99) 26 1.70(0.81–3.57) 14 1.56(0.63–3.89)
P-trend 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4
WHRa T1 21 1.00 21 1.00 22 1.00 7 1.00
T2 13 0.52(0.23–1.19) 13 0.49(0.22–1.08) 15 0.56(0.26–1.20) 9 1.15(0.40–3.35)
T3 28 1.64(0.80–3.35) 34 1.76(0.90–3.43) 34 1.74(0.89–3.39) 28 3.94(1.55–9.97)
P-trend 0.1 0.04 0.05 0.001
WHtRa T1 16 1.00 20 1.00 21 1.00 10 1.00
T2 14 0.86(0.38–1.98) 14 0.62(0.29–1.35) 14 0.58(0.27–1.27) 9 0.85(0.32–2.29)
T3 32 2.25(1.02–4.97) 34 1.76(0.85–3.64) 36 1.79(0.88–3.67) 25 3.04(1.22–7.61)
P-trend 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.01
Body fat massa (kg) T1 22 1.00 24 1.00 25 1.00 13 1.00
T2 17 0.69(0.33–1.48) 19 0.75(0.37–1.53) 19 0.70(0.34–1.42) 15 1.51(0.65–3.55)
T3 28 1.20(0.57–2.54) 30 1.27(0.63–2.58) 32 1.29(0.64–2.59) 20 2.07(0.87–4.95)
P-trend 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.1
Body fat percenta (%) T1 18 1.00 20 1.00 21 1.00 13 1.00
T2 20 1.08(0.49–2.39) 23 1.22(0.58–2.56) 23 1.15(0.55–2.39) 18 1.31(0.56–3.07)
T3 29 1.25(0.51–3.09) 30 1.47(0.62–3.50) 32 1.46(0.62–3.42) 17 1.43(0.50–4.13)
P-trend 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5

Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; M, male; F, female; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; BMI, body mass index; WC, waist circumference.


Adjusted for age (continuous), sex, baseline eGFR (continuous), pack-years of smoking (continuous), duration of education (none, 1 to <6 years, ≥6 years), total energy intake (continuous), and history of hypertension or diabetes (yes, no).


Adjusted for variables above and WC (continuous).


Adjusted for variables above and BMI (continuous).


Adjusted for variables above and height (continuous).


Adjusted for variables above and weight (continuous).