Table 5.
Logistic regression assessing personal demographics and family burden as predictors of mental health diagnosis (N = 1725)
B |
Wald Chi-square |
Odds ratio |
95% CI for odds ratio |
Lower | Upper | ||||
Sex; female versus male (ref) |
.48 |
13.28*** |
1.62 |
1.25 |
2.11 |
Age; 18–64 versus 65–98 years old (ref) |
1.58 |
54.99*** |
4.86 |
3.20 |
7.38 |
Marital status: Married / cohabitating (ref) |
8.45** |
Marital status: Divorced / separated / widowed |
.38 |
5.22* |
1.46 |
1.06 |
2.03 |
Marital status: Never married |
.44 |
5.35* |
1.56 |
1.07 |
2.27 |
Education: 16 years or more (ref) |
4.03 |
Education:0--11 years |
.42 |
3.74* |
1.53 |
.99 |
2.36 |
Education: 12 years |
.23 |
1.76 |
1.26 |
.90 |
1.78 |
Education: 13–15 years |
.15 |
.84 |
1.16 |
.84 |
1.61 |
HHinc; $0 to $59,082 V $59,083 to $200,000 (ref) |
.29 |
3.85* |
1.33 |
1.00 |
1.77 |
Family burden; present versus absent (ref) | .28 | 4.39* | 1.32 | 1.02 | 1.70 |
Key: HHinc Household income, Ref reference category; * = p < .05; ** = p < .01; *** = p < .001; V versus.