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. 2012 Dec 10;591(Pt 5):1339–1346. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.245316

Table 2.

Absolute PT (N m) and ratio values for NMF measurements

During TT Rest

Pre-TT 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1 min 2 min 4 min 8 min
SS (N m) 70 ± 20 40 ± 14* 29 ± 12*† 27 ± 11*† 26 ± 10*† 23 ± 6*† 33 ± 10* 39 ± 12*§ 41 ± 12*§ 41 ± 12*§
PS10 (N m) 108 ± 28 63 ± 22* 46 ± 20*† 42 ± 17*† 40 ± 16*† 33 ± 9*† 47 ± 16* 56 ± 19*§ 57 ± 20*§ 54 ± 18*§
PS100 (N m) 111 ± 24 80 ± 21* 65 ± 18*† 62 ± 17*† 59 ± 16*† 53 ± 13*† 63 ± 16* 70 ± 19*§ 73 ± 16*§ 73 ± 17*§
PS10/PS100 ratio 0.97 ± 0.10 0.77 ± 0.12* 0.69 ± 0.12* 0.68 ± 0.12* 0.67 ± 0.12* 0.63 ± 0.09*† 0.74 ± 0.12* 0.79 ± 0.13*§ 0.78 ± 0.13*§ 0.73 ± 0.11*
TETANUS (N m) 267 ± 82 213 ± 61* 200 ± 58* 196 ± 59* 188 ± 53* 175 ± 35*† 200 ± 59* 220 ± 56*§ 229 ± 63*§ 233 ± 70*§
MVC (N m) 306 ± 80 247 ± 79* 203 ± 69*† 187 ± 63*† 168 ± 53*† 153 ± 40*†‡ 180 ± 51* 199 ± 62*§ 211 ± 70*§ 222 ± 65*§

Values are expressed as means ± SD. MVC, maximal voluntary contraction; PS10, paired stimuli at 10 Hz; PS100, paired stimuli at 100 Hz; SS, single stimulus; TETANUS, tetanic stimulation at 100 Hz; TT, time trial. Significantly different from pre-TT value: *P < 0.05; significantly different from 20% during the TT: †P < 0.05; significantly different from 40% during the TT: ‡P < 0.05; significantly different from 100% (=0 min) in rest after TT: §P < 0.05.