(A) Time-resolved spectrum (top) and smoothed (60 s) mean firing rate changes of pyramidal cells (black) and interneurons (green; middle) and mean pyramidal pairwise correlation (“synchrony”; bottom) across representative non-REM (blue) and REM (pink) episodes from one uninterrupted sleep session (dotted lines show session means). (B) Significant changes across sleep, calculated between the first (black bars) and last (white bars) non-REM episodes of sleep, firing rates (i and ii), incidence of periods of high-frequency LFP activity (iii) and inactivity (iv), synchrony (v), firing rate of pyramidal cells between ripples (vi) and within ripples (vii), ripple-induced firing rate modulation (viii), percentage of ripples in which individual pyramidal cells participated (i.e., fired at least one spike; ix), and coefficient of variation of within-ripple firing rate across cells (x). Note that the decrease in firing rates across sleep is concomitant with increasing synchrony. All comparisons were carried out as sign-rank (paired) tests. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.005; ***p < 0.0005.