Table 4.
Association of knowledge of respondents on cholera with sociodemographic, attitudinal and practice-related characteristics
Characteristics |
Knowledge level |
Total |
p value |
Poor knowledge (%) | Good knowledge (%) | % (n) | ||
Status of knowledge |
54.3 (n = 1,538) |
45.7 (n = 1,292) |
100.0 (2,830) |
a. Sociodemographic characteristics | ||||
Age-group (years) | ||||
18-23 |
55.2 |
44.8 |
18.9 (536) |
0.086 |
24-34 |
56.9 |
43.1 |
36.0 (1020) |
35-44 |
50.8 |
49.2 |
25.1 (711) |
45+ |
53.5 |
46.5 |
19.9 (563) |
Sex | ||||
Male |
59.4 |
40.6 |
28.3 (800) |
0.001 |
Female |
52.4 |
47.6 |
71.7 (2030) |
Education | ||||
No education |
57.9 |
42.1 |
47.1 (1332) |
0.000 |
Primary education |
54.7 |
45.3 |
25.7 (726) |
Secondary and higher |
47.9 |
52.1 |
27.3 (772) |
Occupation | ||||
Nonworking respondentsa |
51.0 |
49.0 |
44.1 (1249) |
0.001 |
Nonindependent in professionb |
53.3 |
46.7 |
34.91 (593) |
Independent earnersc |
59.2 |
40.8 |
20.99 (988) |
Monthly expenditure in takad | ||||
≤7000 (≤88 US$) |
57.6 |
42.4 |
34.3 (969) |
0.006 |
7001-9600 (88.1-120 US$) |
55.0 |
45.0 |
32.4 (916) |
>9600 (>120US$) |
50.4 |
49.6 |
32.4 (940) |
Family-size | ||||
≤ 4 |
55.3 |
44.7 |
57.7 (1632) |
0.133 |
5 and more |
53.1 |
46.9 |
42.3 (1198) |
No of living rooms | ||||
1 |
54.8 |
45.2 |
83.7 (2369) |
0.153 |
1+ |
52.1 |
47.9 |
16.3 (461) |
b. Attitudinal characteristics | ||||
Positive attitude toward cholera, its prevention and cholera vaccine | ||||
Highly positive (score equal to or greater than 5) |
53.4 |
46.6 |
97.0 (2745) |
0.000 |
Less positive (score equal to or less than 4) |
84.7 |
15.3 |
3.0 (85) |
c. Practice-related characteristics | ||||
Cholera-prevention practices | ||||
Good practice (score equal to or greater than 3) |
39.0 |
61.0 |
60.6 (1714) |
0.000 |
Poor practice (score equal to or less than 2) | 77.9 | 22.1 | 39.4 (1116) |
aNonworking respondents included housewives or unemployed women who spent time at home and had no income.
bNonindependent in profession includes: mainly involved in different organizations with or without fixed compensation, such as service holders, teachers, pensioners, and students).
cIndependent earners are those who have their own control to their work and spend time according to their wish (business, daily wage earners, transport workers).
dOverall monthly expenditure of a household has been categorized based on terciles.