(A) Linear discriminant classification results. For each subject, the SNR and
phase of a subset of electrodes elements was used for the classification
procedure, and the peak of the classification function was used as that
subject’s classification performance (see Supplemental Figure 4 and Supplemental Methods).
The orientation of the grating could be decoded above chance (p<0.05) based
on the SSVEP response at 42.5Hz (Figure 2A, blue bars), and decoding accuracy
was higher when the grating was attended compared to when it was not attended.
In contrast, the orientation of the peripheral grating could not be decoded
based on the SSVEP response at 12.1Hz (red bars). The dotted line represents
chance performance in this 9-way classification, and error bars represent
standard error of the mean across subjects. Asterisks indicate significant
differences via a bootstrap procedure (see Supplemental Experimental
Procedures). (B) Diagnostic electrodes in the linear discriminant
analysis across subjects: the colormap of the topographic plot shows the
probability that an electrode was used in the decoding analysis. The electrodes
that contained the highest SNR (Figure 1C)
were also the most diagnostic. (C) Basis set used in the forward encoding model,
derived from half-sinusoidal functions raised to the sixth power (9 basis
functions spanning 0°–160° in 20° steps). (D)
Dynamic tuning functions derived using the forward encoding model based on SNR
and phase angle of the SSVEP response before the target onset. The 12.1 Hz SSVEP
response to the RSVP flicker does not produce tuned responses whereas the 42.5Hz
SSVEP response produces a tuned response that peaks at the angle of stimulus
being viewed (which is 0° in this plot by convention). Error bars
represent standard error of the mean across subjects. (E) Average weight of the
maximum channel response showing that the SNR of the parietal-occipital
electrodes and, to a lesser extent the phase angle of the frontal electrodes,
carries most of the orientation-selective information.