Study participation flowchart. The bold lines indicate the standard path of participation in the study; the dashed lines indicate ways in which children received evaluations as potential missed screening cases. aOf the 422 M-CHAT/F noncompleters, 271 were unable to be contacted for follow-up, 38 declined additional participation, 5 were excluded due to a language barrier, 6 received an evaluation without completing the M-CHAT/F due to failing a high number of items on the M-CHAT (indicating a high risk of ASD), and 122 cases had missing data. b“High Fails” refers to children who screened positive on ≥8 items on the M-CHAT screening questionnaire (indicating a high risk of ASD) and who were referred directly to evaluation, bypassing the M-CHAT/F. cOf the 107 children who did not complete an evaluation, 65 declined an evaluation or failed to show up for multiple appointments; 22 could not be contacted to schedule the evaluation; 7 were excluded due to a previous medical diagnosis or the presence of a severe neurologic, physical, visual, or hearing deficit that precluded the child’s ability to complete the standardized evaluation measures; and 13 cases had missing data. STAT, Screening Tool for Autism in Two-Year-Olds.