Disruption of actin filaments leads to astral microtubule–dependent cortical dissociation and spindle pole accumulation of DYNC1H1 and NuMA. (A) Venus-LGN–expressing cells were treated as in Figure 5A except for the results at the bottom, for which cells were first treated with 1 μM LatA for 45 min and then treated with 1 μM LatA plus 50 nM nocodazole for another 45 min. Cells were stained with anti-DYNC1H1 antibody (red) and DNA dye (blue). (B) Quantitation of cortical DYNC1H1 fluorescence intensity as described in Materials and Methods. n = 50 for each set; *p < 0.01. (C) Venus-LGN–expressing cells were treated as in A. Cells were stained with anti-NuMA antibody (red) and DNA dye (blue). Second from top, arrow points to the original crescent-shaped NuMA, and arrowhead points to NuMA accumulated at the spindle pole. (D) Quantitation of cortical NuMA fluorescence intensity. n = 50 for each set; *p < 0.01. Bars, 10 μm.