Fig. 1.
Breast cancer cell lines characterization uncovers breast cancer stem cell immunophenotypes. Red dots are unstained and blue dots are stained cells. Marker profiling of CD44 (A), CD24 (B), ESA (C), CD201 (D), CD49f (E) and E-cadherin (F) were done in cell lines MCF-7, MCF-7/Adr, MDA-MB-231, SkBr3 and DCIS by flow cytometry (see Materials and Methods). Different CD44/CD24 combinations were observed across cell lines. MCF-7/Adr showed near 100% CD44+/CD24− phenotype, commonly recognized for BCSC. MCF-7, MCF-7/Adr and MDA-MB-231 showed heterogeneity of CD24 expression, demonstrated cellular hierarchy and the existence of sub-populations in cell cultures. MCF-7/Adr’s CD24+ population varied between passages, indicative of immunophenotypic transition. (G) Double staining of CD44 (red) and CD24 (green) of MCF-7 Adr passage 6, showed 100% CD44 positive and CD24 negative.