Figure 1. SR-A is necessary and sufficient to promote invasion in a macrophage: tumour cell in vitro invasion assay.
A: Wild type or SR-A-/- BMMɸ were co-cultured with ID8-Luc or Panc02-Luc cells in a modified Boyden chamber without direct cell-cell contact for 72h. Invasion of ID8-Luc/Panc02-Luc cells was assessed by Luciferase activity in the lower part of the chamber. SR-A-/- macrophages had a reduced ability to promote ID8-Luc and Panc02-Luc invasion (p<0.05, t-test). B: Culture of ID8 or Panc02 cells alone or co-cultured with wt, SR-A-/- or CD36-/- macrophages. CD36-/- macrophages do not significantly reduce ID8-Luc invasion. C: Culture of ID8 or Panc02 cells alone or co-cultured with wt, SR-A-/- , TLR2-/-, TLR3-/-, TLR4-/-, TLR7-/- or TLR9-/- macrophages. Data are represented as mean ± SEM of n=6. Representative data are shown from at least 3 independent experiments.